@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005743, author = {青木, 朗 and Aoki, Akira and 中上川, 浩一 and Nakamigawa, Koichi and 森田, 修二 and Morita, Shuji}, journal = {西京大学学術報告. 農学, The scientific reports of the Saikyo University. Agriculture}, month = {Aug}, note = {国府地区開拓地の現地踏査を行い, 又1町歩に就き1点の割合で採取した土壌試料に就き物理的及び化学的分析を行つた。その結果本地区土壌をA, B, Cの3土壌型に分ける事が出来る。各土壌型は更に2乃至4の亜型に細分する事が出来る。これ等各型土壌の共通的欠陥は礫盤層に基く物理的性質の不良, 有機質の不足, 強酸性, 可吸態燐酸の欠乏である。以上の3型土壌の中, B型土壌は他に比してこれ等の欠点は比較的少く, 或は改良されている。要するに本開拓地不振の主な原因は, 今指摘した様な土壌の欠陥に因る事が明かになつた。, Soil survey was made at the Koofu reclamation land in Miye Prefecture. Physical and chemical analyses were carried out on the soil samples taken from the upper and lower layers of soil profiles. From these results the soils of this reclamation land are classified into three types, namely A-, B- and C-type. Each soil type is further classified into a few subtypes. In general the soils have a large amount of gravel near surface horizon, and show storng acidity and low content of humus anb available phosphorus. The B-type soils surpass the A- and C-type soils in these properties and the fields are well reclaimed. In conclusion the main reason of poor development of this reclamation land could be attributed to the poor soil properties.}, pages = {14--22}, title = {開拓地土壌に関する研究 : 志摩国府地区の土壌に就て}, volume = {10}, year = {1958}, yomi = {アオキ, アキラ and ナカミガワ, コウイチ and モリタ, シュウジ} }