@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005543, author = {松原, 周信 and Matsubara, Chikanobu and 瀧本, 義彦 and Takimoto, Yoshihiko}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 理学・生活科学, The scientific reports of the Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science and living science}, month = {Nov}, note = {4人の被験者に実験室において, 測量用のポールを立木に見立て, 床から40cm, 120cm, 200cmのところにそれぞれ枝があるものと想定し, 鉈および鋸を用いて枝打ち模擬動作を行わせ, その際の酸素摂取量と心拍数を測定した。同じ被験者についてステップテストを実施し, 心拍数に対する酸素摂取量の回帰直線を求めた。枝打ち模擬動作の酸素摂取量と心拍数は, 高さ120cmと40cm, および120cmと200cmにおいていずれも有意差があり, 経験的に作業しやすい高さとそうでない高さの動作間には, 単にそのような感覚の差だけでなく実際の作業強度に差のあることが明らかとなった。実際の枝打ちと異なり模擬動作の強度はかなり低く, このような場合ステップテストによって求めた回帰直線をそのまま適用することはできないという著者の報告があらためて確認された。しかし, 枝打ち模擬動作の際の酸素摂取量と心拍数の間には有意な相関があり, 心拍数によって作業強度を評価できることが明らかとなった。, To investigate the difference of work intensity of varied work height, 4 male subjects performed sham pruning in the laboratory with a hatched and a saw. A surveying pole was supposed to be a tree with branches at the height of 40,120,and 200cm. Oxygen uptake and heart rate of each work were measured. Both in 2 measured items, statistically significant difference was observed between the work height of 120 and 40cm, 120 and 200cm, respectively. On the whole, correlation of oxygen uptake and heart rate was significant, too. At the same time, step tests were performed and regression line of oxygen uptake on heart rate of each subject was obtained. Oxygen uptake during sham pruning estimated by these regression lines was significantly larger than the measured value, because oxygen uptake during sham pruning was considerably lower than that of stepping exercise. However, work intensity of these low activities was able to be assessed by heart rate.}, pages = {15--18}, title = {作業対象物の身体に対する高さと作業強度の関係(B. 生活科学)}, volume = {46}, year = {1995}, yomi = {マツバラ, チカノブ and タキモト, ヨシヒコ} }