@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005418, author = {春山, 洋一 and Haruyama, Yoichi and 青木, 敦 and Aoki, Atsushi and 吉田, 紘二 and Yoshida, Koji and 福沢, 文雄 and Fukuzawa, Fumio}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 理学・生活科学, The scientific reports of the Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science and living science}, month = {Nov}, note = {The Uji scanning microprobe system has been developed with two doublets configuration. A microcomputer was used for controlling the deflecting voltage dividing the scanning area of 1mm×1mm to 32×32 points and for processing RBS data in MCS mode. The beam size was reduced to 8×34μm^2 with current of ∿1nA. Extraction of this micro beam through a nozzle into the atmosphere was carried out successfully.}, pages = {13--19}, title = {Developments on the Uji Proton Microprobe (A. NATURAL SCIENCE)}, volume = {37}, year = {1986}, yomi = {ハルヤマ, ヨウイチ and アオキ, アツシ and ヨシダ, コウジ and フクザワ, フミオ} }