@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005382, author = {河端, 信 and Kawabata, Makoto and 田口, 邦子 and Taguchi, Kuniko and 大槻, 耕三 and Otsuki, Kozo}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 理学・生活科学, The scientific reports of the Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science and living science}, month = {Nov}, note = {The carotenoid, which extracted with isopropanol from salted antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) was identified as astaxanthin in ester form, and its content in the krill lipids was 0.128%. There is no significant deterioration of the pigment during the salted storage at -20℃ for 5 years. Astaxanthin in ethanol solution after acetone treatment of IPA extractives was more stable than that of other solvent treatment. The stability of the pigment was improved by the saponification of astaxanthin preparation, however, ethanol solution of purified astaxanthin with silicic acid column chromatography was very unstable. We suggested that the reason of unstability of purified astaxanthin might be the result of the elimination of naturally occuring antioxidant during the purification processes.}, pages = {45--50}, title = {塩蔵オキアミの利用に関する研究(第 4 報) : アスタキサンチン(B. 生活科学)}, volume = {34}, year = {1983}, yomi = {カワバタ, マコト and タグチ, クニコ and オオツキ, コウゾウ} }