@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005263, author = {野村, 治子 and Nomura, Haruko}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 理学・生活科学, The scientific reports of the Kyoto Prefectural University. Natural science and living science}, month = {Oct}, note = {The data on detecting efficiency of E. coli on K-medium were compared with those on Deso-medium. On K-medium, considerably more E. coli colonies were found than on Deso-medium under the same condition. The results suggest the applicability of this new method to estimate the contamination of foods.}, pages = {11--15}, title = {Study of K-medium : Applicability of K-medium on E. coli Detection, Comparing with That of Deso-medium (LIVING SCIENCE)}, volume = {24}, year = {1973}, yomi = {ノムラ, ハルコ} }