@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005149, author = {本城, 尚正 and Honjyo, Takaaki and 大手, 桂二 and Ohte, Keiji and 妹尾, 俊夫 and Senoo, Toshio}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {天の橋立のマツ並木は近年環境の悪化にともなって樹勢が衰え, 今後の対策が憂慮されている。そこで現況を十分把握したうえで, 保護対策をたてなければならない。本報告は生立基盤である土壌と地下水について調査を行った。その結果を要約すれば次のとおりである。(1)土壌は砂土が大部分を占め, その粒子間に構造は認められず, 粘性も弱く, 土壌化は殆ど進んでいないIm-s型土壌である。(2)土壌の三相組成では固相が50%以上も占め, 液相や気相の割合が非常に少ない。そして, 容積重は100g/100cc以上で非常に重く, 孔隙率は40∿50%と少ない値を示す。また, 最大容水量や最小容気量も著しく小さい値で理学的性質は極めて悪い。(3)炭素, 窒素などの養分要素の含有率も非常に少なく化学的性質からみても瘠悪な土壌である。(4)地下水位は非常に高く60∿120cmであって, すべての地点で塩分濃度は低く真水同様の値であることが注目される。, According to the deterioration of environmental conditions, recently the vitality of MATSU trees, stand AMANO-HASHIDATE, is going to weaken. So we must grasp the present conditions fully, and need to consider the preservation treatments. We investigated the soil and the ground water as the foundation of growth. The results obtained are summarized below. 1. The soil is almost occupied by fine-grained sand and has no structures between particles, and weak cohesion. So we classify it as Im-s type soil, which the formation of soil doesn't progress. 2. Concerning about the relative contents of solid, water, air, solid occupies more than 50%, and the percents of water and air are very small. So the bulk density is very high (more than 100g/100cc) and the percents of porosity is low (40-50%). Maximum water capacity and minimum air capacity also show so small. Therefore the physical properties of the soil are supposed very bad. 3. Nutrients, such as carbon, nitrogen and other elements, aren't almost contained in the soil, so the chemical properties of the soil are also bad. 4. Ground water level is remarkably high (60-120cm under surface). Characteristically, the ground water shows low salinity, almost fresh water, every sampling points.}, pages = {82--94}, title = {天の橋立公園のマツ並木の環境調査 (1) : 土壌および地下水について(林学部門)}, volume = {39}, year = {1987}, yomi = {ホンジョウ, タカアキ and オオテ, ケイジ and セノオ, トシオ} }