@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005146, author = {徳岡, 正三 and Tokuoka, Masazo}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {さし穂の切口を, 最も長くて12日間滞水中に浸漬し, 浸漬終了時にさし穂の木部圧ポテンシャル(XPP)を測定した。そのあと, さし穂をポットにさし付け, 1.5∿2か月後に掘り取って発根成績を調べた。このような実験を3回行い, 切口の水浸漬期間とXPPおよび発根との関係を検討した。さし穂の切口が水浸漬されるとXPPは上昇し, 1∿3日間の浸漬で上限値に達する。それより浸漬期間が長くなると, 逆にXPPは低下する。しかし, すぐに下限値に達し, 再びゆっくりと上昇する傾向がみられた。さし穂の含水量の増加がXPP上昇の原因とみられる。特に, 1∿3日間の浸漬でみられたXPPの上昇は, 第一義的に活発な吸水によって生じたのであろう。途中一時的にXPPが低下する原因は不明である。ヒノキの春ざしでは12日間水浸漬されても発根に影響は認められない。しかし, 秋ざしでは6日間以上の浸漬が行われると, 発根がマイナスの影響を受けることも推測される。, The cut ends of cuttings were immersed in stagnant water within 12 days of the longest and xylem pressure potential (XPP) was measured after finish of the immersion. And then, cuttings were planted in pots and dug out after 1.5 to 2 months, the result of rooting was investigated. By performing those experiments three times, the relationships between immersion time of cut end and XPP and also rooting were examined. When the cut ends of cuttings are immersed, XPP rises and the upper limit is attained by immersion for one to three days. When the period of immersion is prolonged, XPP falls reversedly. But, the tendency was observed that it soon attains to the lower limit and again rises slowly. It seems that the increase of water content in cuttings is the cause of XPP rise. Especially the rise of XPP observed by the immersion for one to three days would have been brought out by the primarily active water uptake. The cause of temporary lowering of XPP midway is not clear. The effect on rooting in cuttings of Chamaecyparis obtusa in spring is not recognized even if cuttings were immersed for 12 days. But, when cuttings are immersed over 6 days in fall cutting, it is estimated that rooting may be affected negatively.}, pages = {49--53}, title = {ヒノキさし穂切口の水浸漬期間が異なるときの木部圧ポテンシャルおよび発根について(林学部門)}, volume = {39}, year = {1987}, yomi = {トクオカ, マサゾウ} }