@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005141, author = {北島, 宣 and Kitajima, Akira and 藤原, 敏郎 and Fujiwara, Toshiro and 久木崎, 孝弘 and Kukizaki, Takahiro and 石田, 雅士 and Ishida, Masashi and 傍島, 善次 and Sobajima, Yoshitsugu}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {カキの果実, 新梢, 葉及び2年生枝の乾物重並びに葉面積を推定する単回帰式を求めた。その結果, 果実乾物重は(横径)^2×縦径, 新梢乾物重は新梢長×(新梢中央部の直径)^2,葉乾物重及び葉面積は葉身長×葉幅長, 2年生枝乾物重は枝長×(枝中央部の直径)^2を説明変数とすることにより, 高い相関係数が得られた。この単回帰式を用い, 結果枝の新梢, 葉及び果実の乾物重を非破壊的に推定し, 結果枝の乾物蓄積量と生理落果との関係を調べた。その結果, 落果の認められる結果枝は落果の認められない結果枝に比べ, 結果枝乾物重, 枝葉乾物重の値が高く, 果実乾物増加量, 果実への乾物分配率が低かった。このことにより, 結果枝の乾物蓄積量が高い値を示しても, 果実への乾物分配率が低ければ落果と関係することが明らかとなった。また, 枝葉乾物重が高い値を示すとき, 果実乾物増加量が低い値を示すことから, 果実と枝葉間に同化産物の競合関係の存在することが実証された。, Single regression equations were determined for estimating the dry weight of fruit, new shoot, leaf and 2 year old blanch and the leaf area in Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) As the results, correlation coefficients of all equations were strong enough to estimate the dry weight of fruit, shoot, leaf and 2 year old blanch and the leaf area, by using. (fruit width)^2×fruit length, shoot length×(shoot diameter at half length)^2,leaf length×leaf width, branch length×(branch diameter at half length)^2 and leaf length×leaf width for predictor variables respectively. These data of predictor variables were collected weekly from 16 May from "dropping" bearing shoot that early fruit drop occurred in several weeks after pollination and "control" bearing shoot that early fruit drop did not occur. Furthermore, the relationship between early fruit drop and accumulated dry matter of bearing shoot which was estimated by using above regression equation was investigated. Dry weight of bearing shoot (fruit+shoot+leaf) and of vegetative organ (shoot+leaf) were significantly higher value in "dropping" than in "control". In addition, dry weight increase of fruit and distribution ratio of dry weight increase into fruit were significantly higher value in "control" than in "dropping". The results showed that lower distribution ratio of dry weight increase into fruit, whereas higher value of dry weight of bearing shoot, were apparently related to early fruit drop and that there were severe competition of asimilate between fruit and vegetative organ.}, pages = {1--11}, title = {カキ結果枝の乾物蓄積量と生理落果との関係(農学部門)}, volume = {39}, year = {1987}, yomi = {キタジマ, アキラ and フジワラ, トシロウ and クキザキ, タカヒロ and イシダ, マサシ and ソバジマ, ヨシツグ} }