@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005117, author = {梶田, 煕 and Kajita, Hiromu and 椋代, 純輔 and Mukudai, Junsuke and 矢田, 茂樹 and Yata, Shigeki}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {市販の粉末フェノール樹脂接着剤を用いて10mm厚単層ボードを製造し, ボードの材質に及ぼすマット含水率と含脂率の影響について検討した。予備実験として行った合板の製造試験によると, 気乾含水率の単板は勿論のこと, 含水率23%の単板でも粉末接着剤を用いて通常の方法で接着可能であり, 接着剤の散布量70∿80g/m^2で良好な接着力が得られる。粉末接着剤を用いて製造したボード(粉末ボード)のMORとMOEは, いずれの含脂率の場合もマット含水率が増加するとともに増大し, 含水率20%で最大値となり, またはく離強さも同様な傾向を示した。これは, 接着剤がパーティクル表面に均一に付着するとともに, 含有水分の一部が接着剤の溶解と硬化反応に, 残りの水分が熱圧締によるパーティクルの塑性化, 圧密に有効に作用したことによると考えられる。一方, 液状接着剤によるボード(液状ボード)の曲げ性能は, 含脂率の増加によって増大するが, その上昇率は低含脂率域(5∿10%)で顕著である。, Ten-millimeter-thick single-layer particleboards were made with (a) powdered and (b) liquid phenolic resin adhesives, and the effects of moisture content of particles and resin content on physical and mechanical properties of the boards were investigated. The strand particles (0.5×3.2×48mm) were prepared from thinnings of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica). The press time was 8 minutes at 180℃ and the pressure was 35kgf/cm^2. Target density of the board was 0.7g/cm^3. Values for MOR and MOE of the (a) boards increased sharply with increase in moisture content at all resin contents and the best results were attained with 20% moisture content (max.). This quantity of moisture is necessary to hold the powdered resin on particles, to effect adequate bonding of particles by the adhesive and also to plasticize wood. On the other hand, those of the (b) boards increased sharply with increase in resin contents from 5% to 8∿10% and reached optimum levels between 10 and 15% resin content. The same results were apparent for internal bond, except that the reveling-off tendency was less apparent. An advantage in using the powdered resin adhesive is that the moisture content of particles does not have to be lowered to 2 to 4% level. And also the powdered resin have many advantages : longer life, ease of transportation, etc.}, pages = {19--25}, title = {粉末フェノール樹脂接着剤を用いたパーティクルボード(林学部門)}, volume = {36}, year = {1984}, yomi = {カジタ, ヒロム and ムクダイ, ジュンスケ and ヤタ, シゲキ} }