@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005076, author = {中西, 宏夫 and Nakanishi, Hiroo and 森, 重之 and Mori, Shigeyuki and 瀬木, 宏一 and Segi, Kohichi and 村上, 道夫 and Murakami, Michio}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {水稲における穂の形態的変異を調べるために, 穂型に関与する20形質の品種間変異を考察するとともに, それらの個体内穂間変異についても検討した。穂軸長の品種間変異の程度に比べて, 1穂当りの着粒数のそれはかなり大きかった。この着粒数の品種間差に最大の影響を及ぼす要因は2次枝梗数であり, 供試各品種の2次枝梗数の大小順位と1穂着粒数のそれとは一致した。1次枝梗数がこれに次いで大きく影響するものと考えられた。しかし, 1次, 2次枝梗とも1枝梗当りの長さの品種間変異は概して小さかった。また, 着粒密度と1枝梗当りの着粒数の品種間差も一般に小さかったが, 2次枝梗の着粒密度が1次枝梗のそれに比べて顕著に大きいことが注目された。一方, 諸形質の個体内穂間変異の程度はいずれの品種においても概して等しい値を示したが, 形質の種類による差は大きく, 一般に2次枝梗が関与する形質において大きい変異を示した。また, 個体内変異の程度が大きい形質ほど形質値の品種間変動が大きくなる傾向が認められた。, In order to investigate morphological variations of rice panicle, varietal variations among six varieties and intra-plant variations among panicles within a plant were examined for twenty characters concerned in panicle shape. The degree of varietal variation in number of spikelets per panicle was considerably larger than that of rachis length. This varietal variation in number of spikelets per panicle was contributed largely by the difference in number of secondary rachis-branches per panicle. The varietal variations for average lengths of primary and secondary rachis-branches were fairly small, and the variations for numbers of spikelets per primary and secondary rachis-branches and spikelets setting densities on the both branches were also small. Spikelets setting density on secondary rachis-branches was about three times larger than the density on primary rachis-branches. The varietal variations for the intra-plant variations were considerably small in many characters. However, the degrees of intra-plant variations varied largely due to the differences in characters and the intraplant variations of characters concerned in secondary rachis-branches were generally larger than the variations of characters concerned in primary ones.}, pages = {1--5}, title = {作物の形質発現の変動性よりみた収量安定性に関する研究 V : 水稲における穂の形態的変異について(農学部門)}, volume = {34}, year = {1982}, yomi = {ナカニシ, ヒロオ and モリ, シゲユキ and セギ, コウイチ and ムラカミ, ミチオ} }