@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005066, author = {齋藤, 秀樹 and Saito, Hideki}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {緩斜地にある均質な壮齢ヒノキ人工林について, 1m×1mのリタートラップ20個(最初の2年間は100個)を10m×10m内に設置して連続10年間のリターフォールを調査し, これが林床においてどのような面分布を示すか考察した。落葉, 球果の落下および落枝では集中して多い箇所と少ない箇所とがあった。これらの箇所は, 落葉および球果の落下では経年変化が小さく, とくに球果の落下は球果生産の大きい年にはこの傾向が著しい。落葉が集中して多い箇所は小径木周辺であり, 大径木周辺は落葉が少ない。この現象はヒノキ葉の寿命が小径木の方が大径木より短いことを示唆する。落枝が集中する箇所はヒノキ樹幹の周辺に限られ, 樹幹の間隔が広い箇所では落枝は恒常的に少ない。これらの調査結果は他の林分との間の共通性には乏しいと思うが, 長期的に林分の構造や成長を中心とした森林の動態を解く端緒となるだろう。, The patterns of litterfall distribution to the forest floor were studied in a plantation of Chamaecyparis obtusa growing on a gentle slope of Mt. Watamukiyama, Shiga Prefecture, central Honshu. Litterfall amounts during 10 years were caught by 100 funneltype litter traps (each 1m×1m) for the first two years and by 20 for the remains. The accumulated leaffall over 10 years tended to concentrate in the places around the standing trees. Judging from the fact that the leaf-fall catched by the traps around small diametered trees is higher than that around large diametered trees, it appears that the leaf longevity of the former is shorter than that of the latter. The distribution of cone-fall also showed remarkable unevenness. However, yearly changes of the pattern of annual cone-fall distribution are not found for the years of excellent production. The fall of branch and bark was concentrated in several patches mostly near standing trees. The situation of the patch varies in different years. The pattern of litterfall on the forest floor of a stand may vary in different stands. The results of this study is useful of the investigation on litterfall collection or on dynamics of a stand structure.}, pages = {53--62}, title = {綿向山山麓にあるヒノキ林の林床におけるリターフォールの面分布とその経年変化(林学部門)}, volume = {33}, year = {1981}, yomi = {サイトウ, ヒデキ} }