@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005062, author = {弦間, 洋 and Gemma, Hiroshi and 山城, 信行 and Yamashiro, Nobuyuki and 吉田, 珠江 and Yoshida, Tamae and 石田, 雅士 and Ishida, Masashi and 傍島, 善次 and Sobajima, Yoshitsugu}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {モモの休眠枝ざしのさし木適期を検討する目的で, 母樹より採取したさし穂を直ちに異なった環境条件下に置床した場合と, 採取した枝しょうを貯蔵後, さし穂調整して別々の環境条件下に置床した場合とに別けて発根に及ぼす影響を調査した。厳冬期以前に採取したさし穂は発根率, 生存率とも良好であった。さし床の地上温度の高温は休眠を完了した芽の萌芽を促したが, 枯死個体も増加させ, さし床環境の温度管理は地下部温度に比べ, 低地上部温度を維持することが必要であった。穂木貯蔵期間が長期にわたる程, 枝しょう内でん粉は減少し, 発根過程に伴うさし穂地下部の炭水化物の急激な消耗から推察される, エネルギー源の枯渇として発根に対し不利となった。3月以降出庫のさし穂では, さし穂内オーキシン様物質が急激に増加し, 発根に至る速度も早まったが, 萌芽と発根の間に養分競合がみられ, 貯蔵休眠枝のさし木適期は早期に出庫して, さし木するのが妥当であると思われた。, These studies were carried out to obtain the information of the suitable time of collection and planting on rooting of hardwood cuttings of peach by two different experiments. 1) It was obtained that the cutting collected at before mid-winter were advanced on rooting and survival. The sprouting of chilled buds were accelerated by high temperature in propagation bed, it was observed, however, that a number of death was enhanced on the same condition. Therefore, it should be important to remain the suitable condition in which the temperature in propagation bed is higher than air temperature for rooting of hardwood cuttings. 2) Starch contents in the scion were reduced as long as stored duration in stratification with sand. From these facts, it may be disadvantage for rooting because of remarkable consumption as an energy source, which was regarded as a decrease of carbohydrate in the basal part of cuttings during the process of rooting. As a nutrient competition between sprouting and rooting of the cutting prepared after March was investigated, and also rapid increasing of activity in endogenous auxin-like substance in the basal stems was recognized, it seemed that nutrients or hormonal substances were influenced by stratification with sand. Therefore, the duration of an adequate storage by stratification with sand should be shortened and also planting carried out in early time, comparatively.}, pages = {7--15}, title = {モモのさし木繁殖に関する基礎的研究 IV : 休眠枝ざしのさし木時期について(農学部門)}, volume = {33}, year = {1981}, yomi = {ゲンマ, ヒロシ and ヤマシロ, ノブユキ and ヨシダ, タマエ and イシダ, マサシ and ソバジマ, ヨシツグ} }