@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005061, author = {森, 重之 and Mori, Shigeyuki and 中西, 宏夫 and Nakanishi, Hiroo and 中井, 孝 and Nakai, Takashi and 村上, 道夫 and Murakami, Michio}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {丹波黒大豆(京都1号)の気乾種子を用い, 5∿40KRの^<60>(Co)γ線を照射して, 放射線感受性を検討した。幼苗長は10KRまでは対照区とほとんど差異は認められなかったが, 20KR以上では線量の増加に伴って有意に減少した。これは主として子葉から初生葉までの子葉節長の障害に起因しているものと思われる。開花始は20KRまでは対照区に比べてやや遅延し, 30KR以上では, 2,3日の有意な遅延が認められ, かつ, 分散も大となった。成熟期における諸形質は, 100粒重をのぞいて, 概して線量の増加に伴って減少を示したが, その様相には形質によって差異が認められ, 莢数, 莢重, 粒数および粒重において障害が著しかった。以上の結果から, 丹波黒大豆の放射線感受性は大豆のうちでは概して「中∿やや強」であるものと推察された。, Dry seeds of a black soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Tanba-Kuro, with about 11% moisture were given acute gamma radiation exposures of 5,10,15,20,30 and 40KR from a 1,800 Ci ^<60>(Co) source. Seedling height was nearly equal to the control at 10KR and below, while at 20KR and over decreased significantly with increasing doses. We supposed that this decrease resulted from the damage of epicotyl (length between cotyledon and primary leaf). The day of the first flower in individual plants was slightly later than the control at 20KR and below, and was significantly delayed by 2 to 3 days at 30KR and over. Moreover, its variance was larger than the control with increasing doses. Values of some characters in maturing time, in general, was decreased with increasing doses as compared to the control. While the patterns of reduction showed striking differences in some characters, the reduction was severe in the number of pods, pods weight, number of seeds and seeds weight. We assumed that the radiosensitivity of "Tanba-Kuro" held the "middle to semi-resistant" position in soybean.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {丹波黒大豆の突然変異育種に関する研究 I : 気乾種子に対するγ線照射の影響(農学部門)}, volume = {33}, year = {1981}, yomi = {モリ, シゲユキ and ナカニシ, ヒロオ and ナカイ, タカシ and ムラカミ, ミチオ} }