@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005050, author = {梶田, 煕 and Kajita, Hiromu and 椋代, 純輔 and Mukudai, Junsuke and 矢田, 茂樹 and Yata, Shigeki}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {スギ間伐材(平均樹皮率9.8%)を原料としたパーティクルボードを製造し, 15mm厚単層ボードの材質に及ぼす樹皮混入割合の影響について検討した。樹皮混入率が増加するとともに, MORおよびMOE, はく離強さが低下するが, 混入率10%のボードのMORは, 未混入ボードのそれの約15%低い値を示す程度である。吸水厚さ膨張率は, 樹皮混入によりJIS規準値より若干大きくなり, 含脂率を上げる必要がある。, Fifteen-millimeter-thick single-layer particle-boards were prepared with Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) particles including 0,5,10,15,20 and 30 percent Sugi bark fiber, and the effects of bark content on some physical and mechanical properties of boards were investigated. Resins used were melamine-urea (56.0 percent solid) and phenol (49.0 percent solid). Adhesive content was 10 percent for particle weight in oven-dry state. The board density was 0.70 grams per cubic centimeter based on oven-dry weight and volume at test. Results obtained are as follows : 1) In general, the quality of board deteriorated with increasing bark content and in particular, the internal bond strength (IB, tensile stress perpendicular to face) decreased sharply with increasing bark content. 2) The relation of modulus of rupture in bending (MOR) to IB is well estimated (r=0.91) for all boards by the equation, (MOR)=161.9+8.2 (IB). 3) Though average weight percent of bark on every log was 9.8 percent on oven-dry basis, MOR of board containing up to 10 percent bark was about 85 percent of control board. 4) When compared to Japanese Industrial Standard, MOR, MOE and IB of the bark-wood particleboard met or exceeded the minimum average values defined for Type 200 commercial particleboard. But thickness swelling of the bark-wood particleboard exceeded the maximum limit for commercial board.}, pages = {121--124}, title = {スギ間伐材を原料としたパーティクルボードの材質(その 2)(林学部門)}, volume = {32}, year = {1980}, yomi = {カジタ, ヒロム and ムクダイ, ジュンスケ and ヤタ, シゲキ} }