@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005029, author = {伊吹, 文男 and Ibuki, Fumio and 吉田, 精作 and Yoshida, Seisaku and 小垂, 真 and Kotaru, Makoto and 川口, 昇 and Kawaguchi, Noboru and 土井, 裕司 and Doi, Hiroshi and 金森, 正雄 and Kanamori, Masao}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Dec}, note = {孵卵中の卵白のシアル酸およびトリプシン阻害活性の変化を追求した。シアル酸濃度は日と共に徐々に増加し, インヒビター活性は, 最初減少したのち増加し, それ以後は変化しなかった。孵卵数日にして形成される漿尿膜(CAM)は, 強いシアリダーゼ活性を有し, 卵白のシアロタンパク質であるオボムチンやオボムコイドからシアル酸を遊離させた。またCAM自身もシアル酸を有し, 自らもシアル酸を遊離させる。微生物由来のシアリダーゼで処理したCAMは非常に強いシアリダーゼ活性を示したが, これは加えたシアリダーゼが膜と強く結合するものと考えられる。シアロタンパク質とCAMの結合が, オボムコイドの示すトリプシン阻害活性をもって間接的に, ^<125>Iによる標識で直接的に検討された。用いたオボムコイド, オボムチン共に脱シアル酸処理をしたCAMとよく結合し, 逆に脱シアル酸処理したタンパク質は, そのままのCAMとよく結合した。, The change of sialic acid content and trypsin inhibitory activity of chicken egg white during incubation were studied. The sialic acid concentration of egg white slightly increased during incubation, indicating the absorption of sialo-proteins of egg white into embryo occurred later than that of others. In early period of incubation, trypsin inhibitory activity rapidly and extensively decreased and after this period, trypsin inhibitory activity was kept at approximately constant level. Neuraminidase (sialidase) of chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) was able to release the endogenous sialic acid and showed the strong activity toward exogenously added ovomucoid and ovomucin. When neuraminidase was mixed with CAM in a buffer, sialic acid at the membrane surface was removed. Added neuraminidase remained bound at the surface of CAM despite of sufficient washing and shows strong activity on sialo-proteins. The experiments for CAM-sialo-protein binding showed that desialylated proteins (desialylated ovomucoid and ovomucin) bound to native CAM in greater amount than to desialylated CAM. Further, it was found that native sialo-proteins (native ovomucoid and ovomucin) bound to desialylated CAM rather than native CAM. ^<125>I-labelled sialo-proteins were prepared and used in these binding experiments.}, pages = {153--163}, title = {Biochemical studies on chick embryo during incubation (Agricultural Chemistry)}, volume = {31}, year = {1979}, yomi = {イブキ, フミオ and ヨシダ, セイサク and コタル, マコト and カワグチ, ノボル and ドイ, ヒロシ and カナモリ, マサオ} }