@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005019, author = {藤谷, 築次 and Fujitani, Chikuji and 東, 秀輝 and Azuma, Hideki}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Dec}, note = {野菜価格安定制度の合理的なあり方とその運用の適正化を図るためには, 制度の基本となる運用基準価格の適正妥当な設定が重要であるが, その方法論はほとんど開発されていない。本稿では, 国の制度の他, 京都府, 東京都, 神戸市の諸制度を手がかりに, 制度運用基準価格の機能ないし性格を吟味し, 制度の類型区分を行うと共に, 特に保証基準価格の設定のあり方について理論的な考察を行った。また, 冬キャベツを事例に, 制度運用基準価格設定の基礎となる価格発現度数の計測を行ない, それを用いて, 各制度の諸特性を比較検討した。その結果, (1)保証基準価格は, 業務対象年間を通じて制度的に実現が保証されるべき価格と考えるべきではなく, 保証されるべき価格水準の実現を助成する価格として位置づけられるべきこと, (2)その設定水準は, 政策的に追求されるべき保証価格水準のみならず, 対象野菜の価格変動パターンに留意すると共に, 最低基準価格, 上限卸売価格等, 他の運用基準価格との相互関連に十分留意すべきことが, 明らかとなった。, In oder to rationalize the system for stabilization of vegetable price and make its working more effective, it is very important to set the basic prices for the working of the system at optimum levels. But, the rational method of basic price setting has not yet developed. In this paper, first of all, we investigated the functions and chacteristics of the basic prices set in the national system and systems of Kyoto Prefecture, Kobe City and Tokyo Metropolis. Secondly, standing on the results of above investigation, we tried to classify vegetable price stabilization systems into 12 types on the basis of combination of basic prices, and to examine how to set the guarantee basis price (basic price G) mathematically. Furthermore, for a sample examination, as to winter cabbage (shipping period : from firist decade of January to second decade of April), we measured the frequency in revelation of average market prices of every decade of the shipping period in past 10 years by price level, and standing on the results, we compared the characteristics and the effects of price stabilization among those systems. The consequences were as follows : 1) The basic price G should not be considered "goal price" which the system pursues, but be considered "inducing price" by which the system can bring about the producers' price to "goal price" through the term of business year (for 3 years). 2) The optimum level of the basic price G is under the control not only of the price-fluctuation pattern of the vegetable in question but also of the setting levels of the other basic prices.}, pages = {51--58}, title = {野菜価格安定制度の経済分析 (II) : 特に制度運用基準価格について(農学部門)}, volume = {31}, year = {1979}, yomi = {フジタニ, チクジ and アズマ, ヒデキ} }