@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005018, author = {小島, 洋一 and Kojima, Yoichi and 前田, 茂雄 and Maeda, Shigeo and 吉田, 重雄 and Yoshida, Shigeo}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Dec}, note = {第1胃フィステル付去勢成めん羊2頭に市販の牛肥育用の濃厚飼料を1日当り体重の2%を与えた期間を中濃厚飼料給与期とし, その60%を与えた期間を低濃厚飼料給与期, 130%を与えた期間を高濃厚飼料給与期, また飽食させた期間を飽食期とした。各期, 予備期1週間の後3日間, 朝の飼料給与前(午前9時), 飼料給与後1,3,6時間(飽食期は9 : 00,12 : 00,および15 : 00)に第1胃液および頸静脈血を採取した。第1胃液のpHは飽食期で各時間とも5.7-6.3の低い値を示したが他の3期では飼料給与後急速に低下し3時間後に最低値を示した。総VFA量は飽食期以外の各期で飼料給与後急速に増加し, 中濃厚飼料給与期で最高値を示した。飼料給与量の増加とともに, 酢酸の割合は減少し, プロピオン酸, 酪酸の割合は増加した。また乳酸はほとんど産生されなかった。血中の総VFA量は飽食期をのぞいて飼料給与後急速に増加していた。酢酸, プロピオン酸の割合は第1胃液と同様な傾向を示したが, プロピオン酸の割合は極めて低く, 酪酸はほとんどみとめられなかった。血中乳酸, ヘマトクリット値については濃厚飼料の摂取量の差による影響はみとめられなかった。, Each of two sheep with ruminal fistula was fed 200g of rice straw and 2% body weight of concentrate ration per head per day in the middle concentrate period. Only the amount of the concentrate ration was changed to 60% and 130% amounts in the middle concentrate period in the low and high concentrate periods, respectively. Animals were offered concentrte ration ad libitum in the ad libitum period. Total VFA concentration and molar percentage of propinic acid in the rumen were increased and ruminal pH and molar percentage of acetic acid were decreased after the feeding in the low, middle and high concentrate periods. These trends were most remarkable in the high concentrate period. The most remarkable decrease in molar percentage of aceitc acid in the rumen was found in the ad libitum period. Little amount of lactic acid (0-19.5mg/dl) was found in the rumen in all periods. Total VFA concentration in the plasma (jugular blood) was increased rapidly after feeding except in the ad libitum period, and the lowest concentration of total VFA was found in the ad libitum period. The molar percentage of propionic acid in the plasma was markedly higher in the ad libitum period than the other periods. There were no consistent trends for the lactic acid concentration in blood nor the blood backed cell volume as the effect of increasing concentrate levels.}, pages = {44--50}, title = {濃厚飼料の給与量が反すう胃内発酵および血中成分に及ぼす影響(農学部門)}, volume = {31}, year = {1979}, yomi = {コジマ, ヨウイチ and マエダ, シゲオ and ヨシダ, シゲオ} }