@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005015, author = {弦間, 洋 and Gemma, Hiroshi and 山本, 洋 and Yamamoto, Hiroshi and 石田, 雅士 and Ishida, Masashi and 傍島, 善次 and Sobajima, Yoshitsugu}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Dec}, note = {ネコブセンチュウ抵抗性台木とされる長野県下伊那地方産の野生モモの緑枝ざしをミスト繁殖したところ, 発根個体が得られたが, IBA 25ppm処理はより旺盛な発根を促した。ミスト下におけるさし穂のみかけの光合成速度は置床直後より急激に低下し, その後一旦上昇した後, 10日め以降は安定した。IBA処理区のさし穂のみかけの光合成速度は無処理に比べて高い値を示し, 発根に伴って再び上昇する傾向がみられた。さし穂の葉内ABA含量は置床後増加し, いっぼう気孔は閉じ始めたが, 処理間に顕著な相違は認められなかった。ミスト下におかれた置床10日めのさし穂葉の気孔は完全に開孔せず, 特異的な日変化はなかった。野生モモ樹上の葉においては, 葉内ABA含量と気孔開度には有意な負の相関があった。, The softwood cuttings were prepared from wild peach in the Shimoina district, Nagano prefecture which are regarded as resistant to root-knot species of nematode, and a vigorous rooting was obtained under mist propagation when IBA 25ppm treatment was performed. The rate of apparent photosynthesis in the cutting planted under mist propagation showed immediately a decline after planting and increased temporarily; thereafter it remained relatively constant. The characteristics in IBA-treated cuttings were remarkable compared with untreated, there was a tendency to a gradual increase in photosynthesis as the rooting. ABA level in the leaves of cutting rose rapidly after planting, its increase elicited stomatal closure. However, there was no difference in the treatment. On the other hand, no stoma in the 10 days-old cutting planted under mist propagation opened completely and diurnal change in the stomatal aperture indicated a featureless trend. Significant negative correlation was found between ABA level and stomatal aperture in the attached leaves of wild peach in the field.}, pages = {21--28}, title = {モモのさし木繁殖に関する基礎的研究 III : ミスト繁殖による緑枝ざしの光合成特性(農学部門)}, volume = {31}, year = {1979}, yomi = {ゲンマ, ヒロシ and ヤマモト, ヒロシ and イシダ, マサシ and ソバジマ, ヨシツグ} }