@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004998, author = {弦間, 洋 and Gemma, Hiroshi and 中川, 洋子 and Nakagawa, Yoko and 傍島, 善次 and Sobajima, Yoshitsugu}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {モモの緑枝ざしにおいて, 化学物質ならびにさし穂の形態的処理を行なったところ, IBA 25 p. p. m.処理で発根率は62.8%と最も優れ, さらにさし穂を10cm長・半分剪除の4葉に調整した場合, 83.3%の発根率を得たが, 平均根乾物重は10cm長・4葉に調整したさし穂に劣った。置床期間中のさし穂内全炭水化物はIBA処理区で顕著な減少傾向がみられ, 無処理区とは対照的に基部含量が上部含量を上回って推移した。でん粉も同様な傾向がうかがえたが, シュクローズおよびソルビトールはIBA処理区のさし穂基部において, 置床直後より増加したのが顕著であった。^<14>CO_2を置床期間中漸次さし穂最上葉に取り込ませ, ^<14>C標識同化産物の転流を調査した結果, IBA処理はさし木当初より同化産物の基部転流を促すのではなく, 同処理区においては発根の一週間前ころよりさし穂基部でのラベル比が高くなった。, Treating the bases of cuttings with 25p.p.m. IBA promoted rooting, 62.8% rooted, on the softwood cuttings of peach. A rooting of 83.3% was obtained with the cuttings prepared 10cm length・four leaves cut off half, whereas less average of dry weight of root were produced rather than the cuttings prepared 10cm length・four leaves. The total carbohydrate content in the cuttings decreased, remarkably when IBA treated, throughout planting period and it was observed on IBA-treated cuttings that the basal stem content was higher than the upper stem in contrast with untreated cuttings. Changes in starch in the cuttings during planting period was similar, although contents of sucrose and sorbitol on the basal stem increased rapidly at the first stage of planting period. Investigating the translocation of photosynthate after administration of ^<14>CO_2 to the upper leaf of IBA-treated and untreated cuttings at different times during planting period, IBA did not accelerate the basipetal translocation of ^<14>C-photosynthate immediately after planting. ^<14>C-labeled assimilate, however, enhanced on the basal stem of IBA-treated cuttings since a week before root appearance.}, pages = {14--21}, title = {モモのさし木繁殖に関する基礎的研究 II : 緑枝ざしにおける IBA の発根促進効果(農学部門)}, volume = {30}, year = {1978}, yomi = {ゲンマ, ヒロシ and ナカガワ, ヨウコ and ソバジマ, ヨシツグ} }