@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004988, author = {大隅, 眞一 and Osumi, Shinichi}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {スギ, ヒノキの択伐作業によって古くから知られている, 岐阜県不破郡関ケ原町今須地区の林業について, その経営環境と択伐林分の構造を調査した。その結果つぎの諸点が明らかになった。1)約2200haの山林は, 約270戸の農林家によって分割所有されており, 所有形態は小規模分散的である。2)最近20年間に, 農家戸数は19%減少し, また就業構造も大きく変化したにもかかわらず, 育林労働は地区内において, ほとんど完全にまかなわれている。3)木材の生産および販売は, 地区内の製材兼伐出業者によって行なわれる。したがって今須林業にあっては, 育林から木材の生産, 加工, 販売に至るまで, 全て地区内において完結せられる。4)地区内の択伐林面積は約770ha, 全森林面積の約36%である。これらは海伐高400m以下の, 地利的に惠まれた地域に分布している。5)今須の択伐林には, 典型的な択伐林型から, 一斉林型に近いものまで, 種々の段階のものがみられる。3ケ所の標準地について林分構造を調査した結果, 今須の択伐林について一つの構造モデルを提示した : 主木の本数 : 950/ha主木の蓄積 : 320m^3/ha主木の蓄積分配 : 大径木 50%, 中径木 30%, 小径木 20%主木の直径分布の分布関数 : P(x)=0.19 Exp (-0.08x)。, The forestry in Imasu district of Gifu Prefecture has been generally known by the intensive management with a selection forest system since about 100 years. The author researched the environmental conditions of this forestry and the structures of the selection forest stands in this district. 1) The forest land of about 2200 hectares is divided into a large number of pieces of small areas and owned among about 270 farmer families in the district. The area a family is therefore less than 10 hectares. To keep the sustained yield of timber from a limitted area of forest, the farmers have naturally introduced the selection forest system into the management of their forests. This is also the system suitable to be worked by the farmer family labor, and in the Imasu forestry, all the works, from plantation to timber sawing, are performed by the inhabitants of the district. 2) The area worked by the selection forest system is about 770 hectares, covering about 36 percent of the total forest area in the district. The selection forest stands are distributed to locations conveniently situated, less than 400 metres above the sea. 3) In Imasu district, there are found various types of selection forest stands, from the typical selection type to the one nearly uniformed. On the basis of the results of the researches of the stand structures on the three sample plots, a stand model was proposed for the selection forest in Imasu district. That is as follows : Stand volume of principal trees : 320m^3/ha, distributed among the large, the middle and the small tree class by 50%, 30% and 20% respectively. Number of principal trees : 950/ha, its diameter distribution following the Meyer's exponential function : P(x)=0.19 Exp (-0.08x).}, pages = {58--84}, title = {今須林業の経営環境と択伐林分の構造に関する調査報告(林学部門)}, volume = {29}, year = {1977}, yomi = {オオスミ, シンイチ} }