@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004972, author = {本吉, 瑠璃夫 and Motoyoshi, Rurio}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Nov}, note = {近世期における今須村は, 宿場町であるとともに, 林産物の農民による小商品生産が進んだ村であった。明治に入って, 宿駅制の廃止とともに, 今須村の宿場依存経済は破壊され, 上層農民の支配的秩序も, 今須騒動を経過して弱体化し, 上層農民の名請山, 一村総持共有山の小農的分割によって, 小規模分散的な山林の所有形態が形成された。今須村の択伐林業は, 小規模分散的山林所有構造と, 宿駅制の廃止にともなう農家の余剰労働力とが結びつき, スギ・ヒノキの大径木生産を目標とする, きわめて労働集約的な林業として発違した。その特徴である大径木の小量分散的, 連年的生産と, 挽板, 挽割, 樽丸等の製造は, 択伐林所有者に連年的な山林所得を保障するとともに, 多数の杣・木挽と木材商人の存在を可能ならしめた。, In the Tokugawa period, Imasu village was one stage (Shukuba) of "Nakasendo", and in this village timbers as commodities were produced from communal-owned forests and forests that belonged to large arable land holders. At the biginning of Meiji period, with the abolition of "Shukuba" the teritorial economy that depended on "Shukuba" was broke down, and during the "Imasusodo", (class struggle between leading member and peasant) the governing power of leading member-most of then were large arable land holder, gradually declined. Consequently, the communal-owned forests and the forests that belonged to large arable land holders were divided into peasants, and the peasant type arboricultur was developed. The management of selection forest in Imasu district was founded on the small scale forests that owned by peasants and abundant labor of middle and small scale farmers. These managment aimed at cultivation of larg diameter trees for special purpose, for instance "Tarumaru". The development of forestry in Imasu district, could maintain the house hold economy of many forest land owners, timber merchants, and woodcutters.}, pages = {94--108}, title = {岐阜県今須地方における択伐林の形成とその推移 (I)(林学部門)}, volume = {28}, year = {1976}, yomi = {モトヨシ, ルリオ} }