@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004937, author = {伊吹, 文男 and Ibuki, Fumio and 北, 脩 and Kita, Osamu and 三好, 正満 and Miyoshi, Masamitsu and 金森, 正雄 and Kanamori, Masao}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {ラット肝のリボゾームよりRNAを調製し, たんぱく質生合成に対する役割りを明らかにするために, 本研究を行った。RNAはリボゾームよりフェノール法にて抽出, エタノールにて沈澱として得たのち, Sephadex G-200を用いるゲルろ過で7区分に分画した。塩基組成はDowexを用いるカラムクロマトグラフィーにより分析されたが, Ap : Up, Gp : Cpはいずれも1 : 1より大きくはずれ, 水素結合はあまり高次構造に関与していないと考えられる。大腸菌K-12のS-30画分を用いてこれらRNAのテンプレート活性を測定したが, 時間経過およびRNAの添加量とアミノ酸の熱酸不溶性画分(たんぱく質)へのとりこみには直線関係が認められ, またすべてのRNA画分にほぼ同じようなテンプレート活性が認められた。しかしEDTAにて, これらのRNAを処理したところ, Sephadexいゲルろ過によって, 比較的分子量の大きいと考えられる区分が, その活性を減少したのに対し, 低分子量のRNAは, 活性を増加せしめるといすRNAの高次構造を考察する上に非常に興味ある結果を得た。, Template activity and several foundamental properties of RNA from rat liver have been studied. Experiments were performed with RNA which was extracted from the ribosomes with phenol methods and precipitated with addition of ethanol as potassium salt. This RNA has been separated into seven fractions by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. Base composition of RNA preparation was determined with the chromatography of the alkaline hydrolysates on a Dowex 1 column. The base ratios A/U of 1.32 and G/C of 2.52 have been obtained. This result demonstrates that hydrogen bond makes relatively small contribution to the configuration of RNA. The cell free amino acid incorporating system from E. coli K-12 (S-30 fraction) was used to test the template activity of the fractionated RNA. All the RNA fractions obtained from rat liver ribosomes had the template activities. The incorporation of amino acid into protein proceeded with reaction time and was almost proportional to the concentration of RNA added. The effect of treatment of RNA fraction with EDTA on template activity was investigated. It is very interesting phenomenon that the EDTA treatment enhanced the template activity in the case of relatively low molecular RNA fractions while the same treatment resulted in the decreased activity for the high molecular RNA.}, pages = {144--151}, title = {ラット肝リボゾーム中のテンプレート活性を示すリボ核酸の諸性質(農芸化学部門)}, volume = {26}, year = {1974}, yomi = {イブキ, フミオ and キタ, オサム and ミヨシ, マサミツ and カナモリ, マサオ} }