@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004933, author = {小松, 明徳 and Komatsu, Akinori and 乾, 秀治 and Inui, Shuji and 板原, 和之 and Itahara, Kazuyuki}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {屠殺直後の黒毛和種成雌2頭, ホルスタイン若雄1頭から得た脊最長筋(第5肋骨部)を材料とし, 平均3℃で12日間の冷蔵中における赤色筋繊維(Rmf)・白色筋繊維(Wmf)および中間色筋繊維(Imf)間のMb分布の状態, 筋肉中総色素量および各色筋繊維断面積の変化を測定した。屠殺後2∿3時間の新鮮肉では各色筋繊維の区別が明確でWmfが約50%と最も多く, RmfおよびImfはそれぞれ25%前後であった。筋束内におけるRmfの分布に特定の型は見られなかった。しかし冷蔵が進むにしたがって各色筋繊維の分布割合が変化し, 冷蔵10∿13日目には約90%までがImfと見做されるようになり, RmfおよびWmfはそれぞれ約5%に減少した。一方各試料中の総色素量には冷蔵中殆んど変化が認められなかったので, おそらくは肉の熟成に伴なってMb濃度の高いRmfから濃度の低いWmfあるいはImfに色素が移行し, 各色筋繊維間のMb濃度が平均化されるものと考えられる。冷蔵各期の各色筋繊維断面積は冷蔵期を通じてWmfが最大で, Rmfが最も小さく, Imfはその中間の太さであった。筋繊維断面積に対する冷蔵の影響については, 4日目に黒毛和種では増大したがホルスタインでは減少した。しかし冷蔵7日目にいずれも新鮮時に近い値に復し, 以後Wmf以外は徐々に細くなる傾向を示した。, The longissimus muscle samples (5th rib) were taken as quickly as possible after slaughter from two Japanese Black cows and a Holstein young bull to determine the change in cellular distribution of myoglobin, myoglobin content and cross-sectional fiber area during cold storage of 3℃ ave. for 13 days. Fresh muscle fibers (2-3 hr after slaughter) were clearly discliminated into three types by benzidine reactions, i. e., the red, the white and the intermediate muscle fibers. The white fibers held a majority of about 50 percent, the red and the intermediate fibers were estimated about 25 percent, respectively. In the bovine longissimus, the red fiber grouping pattern which is well-known for swine muscles was not observed. The proportion of the three fiber types changed as the cold storage advanced, that is, in samples stored for 10 to 13 days the intermediate fibers increased to almost 90 percent, the red and the white fibers decreased to about 5 percent, respectively. On the other hand, very little changes were observed in total pigment concentration of all samples studied during cold storage. This fact suggests that the pigment moves from the myoglobinrich red fibers to the less concentrated white or intermediate fibers with aging of the muscles, so that the myoglobin concentrations among three fiber types become uniform. Average cross-sectional areas of the three fiber types within a sample were in the order of the white, the intermediate and the red fibers during cold stroage. As to the effect of cold storage on the area of the three fiber types, it increased in Japanese Black, whereas it decreased in Holstein after 3 days of storage. However, these areas almost returned to the initial value on the seventh day of cold storage, hereafter, the areas except of the white fibers showed a tendency to decrease gradually.}, pages = {67--73}, title = {冷蔵中における牛脊最長筋繊維のミオグロビン分布ならびに筋繊維断面積の変化(農学部門)}, volume = {26}, year = {1974}, yomi = {コマツ, アキノリ and イヌイ, シュウジ and イタハラ, カズユキ} }