@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004931, author = {並木, 隆和 and Namiki, Takakazu and 西, 新也 and Nishi, Shinya and 小田, 雅行 and Oda, Masayuki and 高嶋, 四郎 and Takashima, Shiro}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {そ菜の水耕栽培における溶存酸素濃度管理のための基礎的データを得るために, 茎葉より根に酸素を拡散させる根の通気間隙の量を測定した。培養液中の溶存酸素濃度を5段階に保ったベッドでトマト品種大型福寿を栽培して, 各区の根の通気間隙量を比重法により測定したところ, 栽培中の培養液溶存酸素濃度が低い区ほど根の通気間隙量は大きくなる傾向がみとめられた。栽培時期および生育段階が異なる場合には通気間隙量はやや異なる値を示したが, いずれの場合にも上記の傾向に変りはなかった。, Root porosity was measured by the pycnometer method, of the tomato variety "Ohgata-Fukujyu" which had been water-cultured in five levels of oxygen concn in the culture solution. Root porosity which averaged from approximately 2.2 to 4.2 percent of the root volume, was, in general, higher in roots which had been grown in lower dissolved oxygen concn. This tendency was valid for the measurements made on plants of different growth stages and in different seasons, although the value was affected by these factors.}, pages = {37--43}, title = {蔬菜水耕栽培の実用化に関する研究 IX : 培養液溶存酸素濃度とトマト根の通気間隙との関係(農学部門)}, volume = {26}, year = {1974}, yomi = {ナミキ, タカカズ and ニシ, シンヤ and オダ, マサユキ and タカシマ, シロウ} }