@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004903, author = {宮田, 善雄 and Miyata, Yoshio and 桂, 琦一 and Katsura, Kiichi}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {キュウリジュースの遠沈上清液で培養したPhytophthora capsiciの菌叢上に形成される遊走子嚢は, 遊走子型発芽を行なうことのできない異常遊走子嚢である。この際, 菌体乾重や遊走子嚢形成数は, キュウリジュースの場合と比較して, それほど劣ってはいない。これらの異常遊走子嚢と, キュウリジュースで培養した場合の典型的遊走子型発芽を行なう遊走子嚢について形成的比較を行なってみた。異常遊走子嚢は概してやや小さく丸型のものが多いが, 外部形態的には, それほど大きな差異は認め難い。内部形態的特徴のひとつは, 単位膜に包まれ, 内部に様々の小胞や顆粒を充満したがらくた胞の存在である。この胞嚢の大きく発達したものは光学顕微鏡レベルにおいても充分に認められる。同時に, 正常な遊走子嚢にはゴルジ装置と, それを中心に発達した小胞の集団が散在しているのに対し, 異常遊走子嚢ではそのような構造が認められない。さらに, 発芽時の形態的特徴をみると, 原形質は個々の遊走子への分割を起こさず, そのまま全体が外へ飛出す原形質型発芽をとることである。そこでこれらの事実から次の仮説を立ててみた。すなわち, 正常な遊走子嚢ではゴルジ装置の働きによって膜形成が進行して, 遊走子への分割が起こり, 典型的な遊走子型発芽が行なわれるのに対し, 異常遊走子嚢では, 何らかの原因によりゴルジ装置は未発達で, ときには, 空胞中に取込まれて, がらくた胞となり, 分割が起こらないために, 原形質型発芽を行なうことになるのではなかろうか。, Abnormal zoosporangia of Phytophthora capsici formed on the mycerial mat cultured in the supernatant of cucumber juice can not liberate zoospores. This phenomenon is caused by lack of sterols, β-sitosterol and stigmasterol for example, in the supernatant, and similar observations were reported by Hendrix (1965) and Lilly (1966). Morphological comparisions between normal zoosporangium in the cucumber juice and abnormal one in the supernatant were reported in this paper. On the external morphology, there were generally more numbers of abnormal zoosporangia, slightly small, spherical or without papilla, than those of normal ones. But these morphological characteristics are estimated to have little significance for the reason that abnormal sporangium can not liberate zoospores. On the internal morphology, three notable distinctions between normal sporangium and abnormal one. At the first distinction, one or a few peculiar vacuoles (proposed as rabbish vacuoles) covered with a unit membrane, containing numerous vesicles and granules were electron-microscopically observed in abnormal zoosporangium. The second distinction was that Golgi apparatus which were popular in normal sporangium were hardly detected in abnormal one. On the third distinct point, protoplasma of abnormal sporangium never divided to individual zoospores. Additionally it is characterized on the germinating mode of zoosporangium that release of a plasma sphere from abnormal sporangium (proposed as plasma-type germination) was noticeable in the contrast to that of zoospores from normal one (zoospore-type germination). It is inffered from those observations that there is some correlation between the failure in protoplasmic division of abnormal zoosporangium and the undeveloped Golgi apparatus.}, pages = {33--"36-5"}, title = {キュウリジュース遠沈上清液で培養した Phytophthora capsici の異常遊走子嚢(農学部門)}, volume = {24}, year = {1972}, yomi = {ミヤタ, ヨシオ and カツラ, キイチ} }