@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004899, author = {伊藤, 五彦 and Ito, Itsuhiko and 椴山, 彬彦 and Momiyama, Akihiko and 並木, 隆和 and Namiki, Takakazu and 高嶋, 四郎 and Takashima, Shiro}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {ファレノプシスの花芽分化, 発達の段階を形態学的に調査した。花芽の発達の段階は, 休眠期, 肥大期, 花茎腋芽形成期, 小花原基形成期, がく片形成期, 花弁形成期, ずい柱形成期, やく・柱頭形成期および花粉形成期の9段階に区分する。この中で, がく片形成期および花弁形成期は, すみやかに経過する。花茎長と花芽の発達段階との間には, 相関的な関係がみられ, 花茎長によって花芽の発達段階の大略を知ることができる。ファレノプシスの開花には, 夏咲きの場合, 15℃付近の低温は, 花芽分化に刺戟的にはたらくものと考えられる。, Morphological observation on the flower bud initiation and development in Phalaenopsis hybrid Mount Kaala were carried out. Development stages of flower bud initiation of Phalaenopsis contains the following 9 stages such as undifferentiation stage, predifferentiation stage, axillary bud formation stage, flower bud primordia formation stage, sepals formation stage, petals formation stage, column formation stage, anther and stigma formation stage and pollen formation stage. Both sepals formation stage and petal formation stage were elapsed rapidly. Positive correlation were found between elongation of flower spike and development of floral parts. It seemed that Phalaenopsis requires comparatively low temperature (ca. 15℃) for the flower bud initiation.}, pages = {9--"12-2"}, title = {ファレノプシスの開花調節 I : ファレノプシスの花芽分化(農学部門)}, volume = {24}, year = {1972}, yomi = {イトウ, イツヒコ and モミヤマ, アキヒコ and ナミキ, タカカズ and タカシマ, シロウ} }