@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004872, author = {傍島, 善次 and Sobajima, Yoshitsugu and 石田, 雅士 and Ishida, Masashi and 中尾, 公一 and Nakao, Koichi and 荒木, 正勝 and Araki, Masakatsu}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {平核無成木(約30年生)を用い, 1968年と1969年にわたって, 花芽分化期前後において着果の有無による新梢葉内の窒素, 炭水化物ならびに核酸の変化を調査した。その結果, 花芽分化前にでんぷんが集積され, 分化期に入って減少するのに対し, 全糖および非還元糖は分化前に低く, 分化期に入って著しく増加した。全窒素の変動は著しくなかったが, アミノ態窒素は分化前に低く, 分化期に入って増加した。これらの関係は着果の有無ならびに上部, 下部葉別にかかわらず同様な傾向がみられたが, 概して無着果枝葉内含量は着果枝に比べて多かった。アルコール可溶性P, 酸可溶性Pは下部葉において分化前で多く, RNA-P, DNA-Pは無着果枝葉内含量が多く, かつ分化前のほうが多かった。, This studies were carried out to inquire the changes of the nitrogen, carbohydrate and nucleic acid contents of leaves in the preformation and the postformation of the flower buds, using the bearing and non-bearing shoots of the kaki trees (var. HIRATANENASHI, alout 30 years old). As the results, starch was accumulated in before the flower buds formation and decreased in the formation period of flower buds. On the contrary, total sugars and non-reducing sugars were not accumulated in before the flower buds formation, but increased in the formation period of flower buds. Contents of aminonitrogen were shown the same tendency as total sugars and non-reducing sugars. These phenomena were shown the same tendency in the bearing and non-bearing shoots or in the leaves of upper and lower parts, and in generally, contents of these element were more higher in the non-bearing shoots than the bearing shoots. Contents of alcohol soluble P and acid soluble P were higher in the lower part leaves, and contents of RNA-P and DNA-P were higher in the non-bearing shoots. It seems that the changes of these elements were closely related to the flower buds formation.}, pages = {10--17}, title = {カキの隔年結果防止に関する研究 II : 花芽分化期前後における葉内の窒素, 炭水化物ならびに核酸の消長について(農学部門)}, volume = {23}, year = {1971}, yomi = {ソバジマ, ヨシツグ and イシダ, マサシ and ナカオ, コウイチ and アラキ, マサカツ} }