@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004855, author = {正子, 朔 and 桂, 琦一 and Katsura, Kiichi and MASAGO, HAJIME and KATSURA, KIICHI}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {京都府立大学付属農場土壌中より分離した細菌によるP. capsici菌の遊走子のう形成に対する刺戟について検討を加えた。P. capsiciが細菌と接触してから遊走子のうの完成までの最短所要時間は4∿5時間であり可視的な変化は20∿30分で生じる。細菌はけん濁液としてP. capsiciの培養の上に滴下するのが効果的であり, 供養疫病菌の遊走子のう形成能力の程度によって反応の現われかたが異なる。また刺戟能力はすべての細菌に非特異的に保有されているものでなく, Pseudomonas spp.にその能力が平均して高いようであったが, 刺戟の本体はなお不明である。供試細菌の令は培養1週間程度ではその刺戟能に有意差がない。しかし培地pHが酸性側(pH 4.0)ではこの刺戟の発現がなく, 中性から弱アルカリ性に移行するにしたがって効果が増大する。これは細菌側の増殖に好適であることも考えに入れられるが, むしろP. capsiciの側に遊走子のう形成の準備が整ったと見るべきである。同様のことは温度についてもいえることであって, この刺戟適温は菌が細菌以外の遊走子のう形成の場合の適温と一致する。培地も本来疫病菌の遊走子のうが形成され易いものにのみ刺戟効果が現われやすい。以上のことから, この刺戟はあくまでも遊走子のう形成経路への引き金の役目をなすだけのものであって, その経路を進むための物質的な素材を与えるものではないと考える。本細菌は遊走子のうの形成を促進するとともにその形も僅かに大型にする。また遊走子のうから遊出した遊走子を溶解する。刺戟効果をいちじるしく示す故に諸実験に用いた細菌は, Pseudomonas riboflavinaにきわめて類似した性質をもっていた。, The stimulative effect by soil bacteria on zoosporangium formation of Phytophthora capsici (stock No. 65 isolated originally from egg plant) was studied under various experimental coonditions. This stimulative effect appeared within 20-30min. after the bacteria were in contact with Phytophthora, and the zoosporangia were accomplished following 4-5 hrs. Such bacterial stimulation did not spread over the bacterial colony. The culture filtrate of the bacteria passed through millipore filter did not show the stimulative effect. These results indicate that the stimulatiive substance might be short life metabolic product or products, so contact with living bacteria is necessary for zoosporangium production of Phytophthora. Bacteria transferred from broth cultures show larger stimulative effect than transfered from agar slant media made from the same nutrients. Among 15 Phytophthora cultures over 8 species, 3 species were stimulated by the bacteria but other did not show such a striking responce. These unsusceptible Phytophthora produced no or few zoosporangia even under natural condition, originally. Among 12 species of bacteria tesed, Pseudomonas revealed the most active stimulation. There was no appreciable difference in stimulative activity through growth stage or age of the bacteria in broth culture until 7 days. At weak alkali pH range of culture media both the bacterial growth and the stimulatory effect were increased, more than acidic condition. Phytophthora mycelium grown on oatmeal agar media was more rapidly react with the bacteria than PDA, and the mycelium grown on broth agar media could not produce zoosporangia in spite of the presence of the bacteria. The bacteria destroyed the zoospore of Phytophthora but not zoosporangial membrane. From the results of the test on the physiological characteristics of the bacteria, it is considered that the bacteria is Pseudomonas riboflavina regardless of the fact that the result did not show quite agreement with Bergey's description.}, pages = {17--26}, title = {Pseudomonas sp. による Phytophthora capsici LEON. の遊走子のう形成刺戟(農学部門)}, volume = {22}, year = {1970}, yomi = {マサゴ, ハジメ and カツラ, キイチ} }