@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004847, author = {青木, 朗 and Aoki, Akira and 森田, 修二 and Morita, Shuji}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {カンキツの異常落葉園土壌を供試して無肥料で大豆を栽培, その幼植物の生育と養分吸収におよぼす殺菌剤およびEDTAの影響を調べた。その結果, 乾物重においては殺菌剤処理で増加したが, EDTA処理は減少の傾向を示し, 有害的であった。地上部成分の吸収量については殺菌剤処理で各成分とも増加の傾向を示すのに対し, EDTA処理では結合金属によって若干傾向を異にするようで, 共通して増加したのは地上部でリン, アルミニウム, 鉄, 減少したのはカルシウムおよびマンガンであった。しかし根部ではいずれの成分も減少を示した。, Studies were carried out on the effect of application of soil fungicide and EDTA (Ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid) on the growth and nutrient absorption by soy bean plant. The soils used in this experiment were taken from the citrus orchard with abnormal defoliation. The results are summarized as follow : 1) The dry whight of young plant on the soil treated with fungicide was heavier than the plant whight on untreated soil. However, an application of EDTA resulted in a decrease of weight. 2) The difference was found between the nutyients absorption from the treated and untreated soils. That is the amount of absorbed nutrient increased by fungicide treatment. Phosohorus, aluminum and iron absorption increased, and calcium and manganese absorotion decreased by EDTA treatment. 3) The amount of nutrients absorbed by roots showed the tendency of decrease by the application of fungigide and EDTA.}, pages = {88--91}, title = {大豆の養分吸収に対する殺菌剤および EDTA 施用の影響(予報)(農芸化学部門)}, volume = {21}, year = {1969}, yomi = {アオキ, アキラ and モリタ, シュウジ} }