@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004826, author = {正子, 朔 and Masago, Hajime and 近藤, 晴彦 and Kondo, Haruhiko and 今西, 満 and Imanishi, Mitsuru and 桂, 琦一 and Katsura, Kiichi}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Oct}, note = {本報告は培地栄養ひいては体内栄養の欠乏状態に陥った際におけるPhytophthora capsici LEON.の遊走子のう形成について研究を行なったものである。栄養欠乏培地に菌を移植すると, 後培地に栄養が含まれているほど遊走子のう形成は遅くなる。したがって素寒天培地よりもアガロース培地で形成量が多い。この場合前培養が栄養欠乏していて菌の発育が弱々しい時は後培地では遊走子のうを形成しないし, 菌糸も伸長しない。移植に際して持ち込まれる菌体外栄養を除くため液体中で前培養し, 充分水洗して後培地に移すと前培養の栄養に富んでいるところに育ったものほど菌体量が多くなるが遊走子のうの形成は遅れる。前培養の糖濃度は遊走子のう形成には後培養の際ほど影響を与えないが, 菌体量が増加することによって間接的には影響しているようである。これらの結果から菌体内の栄養状態と遊走子のう形成との関係を模式図に表わして説明を加えた。, Zoosporangia formation of Phytophthora capsici LEON. (stock no. 6) under poor nutritional conditions were studied. Mycelial development of the fungus was measured on several agar media such as oat meal decoction, Czapek, cucumber decoction and potato decoction. Among these, oat meal decoction agar was most effective for both mycelial growth and zoosporangia formation. On Czapek medium hypha grew rapidly but the mycelium was not so dense as on other media and zoosporangia were not produced. When sucrose was removed from Czapek medium, hypha became more thin but formed many zoosporangia. Water agar was more effective than no sugar Czapek medium for the zoosporangia formation. Water agarose (1%) was the most effective. In these experiments, carryover of nutrients by the inoculum was suspected to contribute to the growth and zoosporangia formation. Mycelial mat was thoroughly washed with sterile distiled water in two bottles to remove the effect of preculture medium and transferred to distiled water to see the net contribution of stored substance to the hyphal growth and zoosporangia formation. The fungus grown in common potato decoction medium took more days to produce zoosporangia after transfer to the second medium than the diluted ones. Dilution of potato dextrose medium decreased the growth of fungus but accelerated the production of zoosporangia. When the fungus was precultured in a poor nutrient medium, the growth after transference was poor and no zoosporangium was produced. From these results we proposed a schmatic diagram for the growth and zoosporangia formation of this fungus under different nutritional conditions.}, pages = {37--43}, title = {栄養欠乏状態における Phytophthora capsici LEON. の菌糸生長と遊走子のうの形成(予報)(農学部門)}, volume = {20}, year = {1968}, yomi = {マサゴ, ハジメ and コンドウ, ハルヒコ and イマニシ, ミツル and カツラ, キイチ} }