@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004772, author = {桂, 一 and Katsura, K. and 正子, 朔 and Masago, Hajime and 宮田, 善雄 and Miyata, Yoshio and 福西, 務 and Fukunishi, T.}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Sep}, note = {本報告はクワイ炎腫病の発生, 病徴, 病菌の胞子球形成などについて知見を加え, さらに病菌の生理生態的性質および伝染経路について実験を行なった結果を述べた。本病の発生は京都市において6月下旬から始まる。発病部位の組織内に, 初め菌糸の集塊が見られるが, これから放射状に密に出た菌糸の先端に, 単層の胞子が形成され, その外部に皮層が並ぶ。胞子球は発病の年の11月ごろから翌年6月初めごろまで発芽しないから, 休眠するもののようである。胞子球は保存状態によって発芽に影響をうけるが, 概して湿室に保存したものは発芽力が大きく, かつ発芽力を持続するが, 乾燥状態に保存したものは早く発芽力を失うようである。胞子球は水ないし好適なしょ糖溶液の表面に浮遊したものだけが, 前菌糸発芽を行ない, 小生子を形成する。胞子球の発芽適温は30℃であり, 0.5∿1%しょ糖液において発芽率が最高であった。小生子は胞子球を水に浮べてから, 14時間から, 24時間までの間に大部分の発芽を行なった。胞子球による接種試験を行なった結果, 胞子球が水面に浮遊するような場合のみにおいて感染が起り, 胞子球を土中に埋没した場合は感染が起らなかった。なお発病部周辺の組織内には, 菌糸の伸長が認められるが, この部分の組織片から, 10%しょ糖添加じやがいも煎汁寒天培地を用いて, 比較的容易に本菌の純粋分離培養ができた。, Physiological and ecological characters of Doassansiopsis horiana which causes blister smut of chinese arrowhead, Sagittaria triforia var sinensis, were studied. The disease occurs on leaf and petiole from late June to October in Kyoto. Spore ball consists of three parts, that is, fertile spores, outer layer and interior sterile parenchymatic cells, the first one being situated between the latter two. The fertile spores are formed on the tip of radia dense mycelia grown from a mycelial cluster which had been seen in the tissues of infected eaves and petioles in the early stages of in fection. No germination of spore ball is observed from November to the next May in natural condition. Promycelium germinations of spore balls are influenced by the conditions of preservation. When spore balls have been preserved in wet condition, they are capable of germinating for a long time, but in dry condition they loses germinability in a relatively short time. Germinations of spore balls are performed well, when the spore balls were floated on the surface of water or sugar solution of 0.5% to 1% con centrations. The optimum temperature for spore ball germination is about 30℃. Germination of sporidium on promycelium performs mostly between 14 and 24 hours after floating spore balls on water drop. Infection experiments to the plant, chinese arrowhead, resulted in positive only when spore balls were floated on the surface of water, but negative in the case where the organism was buried in the soil. As the mycelia of this fungus developed well in the surrounding tissues of the lesion, the pure culture of the organism is easily isolated from the section of the infected tissues by employing potato sucrose agar.}, pages = {35--"42-3"}, title = {クワイ炎腫病菌の生理生態に関する研究(農学部門)}, volume = {17}, year = {1965}, yomi = {カツラ and マサゴ, ハジメ and ミヤタ, ヨシオ and フクニシ} }