@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004732, author = {青木, 朗 and 森田, 修二 and AOKI, AKIRA and MORITA, SHUJI}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Sep}, note = {水稲種子にγ線を照射した場合, 無照射種子との間に生育および養分吸収に差異が生じるのではないかと考えられるので栽培試験を行ない, 各生育時期別に三要素の吸収状態を調べた。その結果γ線照射種子は無照射種子に比べ, 生育は初期にはすぐれていたが後期において劣つた。しかし茎数においては生育各期を通じてすぐれていた。収量調査においては対照区より照射区の方が劣つた。生育各期における地上部の三要素含有率については, 窒素および加里では照射区が7月に最大の含有率を示したのに対し, 対照区では8月に最大含有率を示した。燐酸では, 照射区が生育の進むに従つて減少したのに対し, 対照区は8月に最大含有率を示しのち減少した。1株当りの各要素の吸収量の変化は照射区, 対照区ともに同様の傾向を示し, 9月に最大吸収量が認められ, 各時期とも照射区の方が対照区より吸収量が大であつた。根のカチオン置換容量については, 一定の傾向および差異が認められなかつた。, Effect of γ-ray radiation on seed was studied on rice plant. Experiment was conducted on nutrient uptake and plant growth. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Distinct positive effect of γ-ray radiation was found on the growth at early stage However, no effect was observed on the yield. 2. The rice plant whose seed was radiated by γ-ray showed the highest percentage of nitrogen and potassium on July 24,However, the percentage of phosphorus decreased with growth. The rice from untreated seed showed the highest percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on August 4. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorbed by the treated and untreated rice showed the maximum value on September 5. The amount of these elements in the treated rice was higher than the amount of the untreated rice through all stages of growth. 3. No distinct difference and also no tendency of increase or decrease was found between the cation exchange capacities of roots of γ-ray radiated and check plants.}, pages = {110--112}, title = {γ線種子照射が水稲の生育と養分吸収に及ぼす影響(農芸化学部門)}, volume = {14}, year = {1962}, yomi = {アオキ, アキラ and モリタ, シュウジ} }