@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000047, author = {中尾, 史郎 and Nakao, Shiro and 郷右近, 勝夫 and Goukon, Katsuo and 宮永, 龍一 and Miyanaga, Ryoichi and 清水, 晃 and Shimizu, Akira and 増田, 倫士郎 and Masuda, Rinshiro and 河村, 友裕 and Kawamura, Tomohiro and 銭, 成晨 and Qian, Cheng Chen and 羽田, 智子 and Haneda, Tomoko}, issue = {66}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 生命環境学, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Life and environmental sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {Aculeate wasps and bees were surveyed in Kotohikihama, Kyoto Prefecture from 2012 to 2014. Out of a total of 58 species recorded, six were endangered species living in sandy beaches and dunes appeared in national and prefectural red data lists, indicating that sandy beach and dune in Kotohikihama are important habitats for wasps and bees in Japan.}, pages = {25--29}, title = {京都府琴引浜における有剣ハチ類の記録}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ナカオ, シロウ and ゴウウコン, カツオ and ミヤナガ, リョウイチ and シミズ, アキラ and マスダ, リンシロウ and カワムラ, トモヒロ and ハネダ, トモコ} }