@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004659, author = {青木, 朗 and 森田, 修二 and 岡, 高明 and AOKI, AKIRA and MORITA, SHUJI and OKA, TAKAAKI}, journal = {京都府立大學學術報告. 農學, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture}, month = {Sep}, note = {チューリツプについて生育過程において吸収され[figure]たPの収穫物中に於ける分布の模様をP^<32>を用いて研究した。その結果, 各施用期および各部位ごとにP^<32>の吸収量に差が見られ, 根に於ける集積が大であると同時に生育後期に施用したもの程, 多量集積する傾向を示した。これは生育段階に於けるP吸収量の差と, 吸収される時の生理的特異性によるものと考えられる。, It is the purpose of this study to investigate the distribution of absorbed phosphorus in tulip at different stages of growth. The experiment was carried out by sand culture using p^<32>. The measurement of radioactivity and determination of phosphorus were run on stems, leaves, petals, roots and bulbs. Each portion showed different absorption of phosphorus. A large amount of applied phosphorus accumulated in roots and bulbs, and this tendency increased with growth. Proportion of absorbed phosphorus to total phosphorus also increased with growth. This shows that phosphorus applied at later stage of growth accumulated in these portions.}, pages = {148--150}, title = {P^<32> 使用によるチューリツプの燐酸吸収に関する研究}, volume = {11}, year = {1959}, yomi = {アオキ, アキラ and モリタ, シュウジ and オカ, タカアキ} }