@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004293, author = {高橋, 都望 and Takahashi, Tomo and 李, 承彦 and Lee, S. U. and 冨田, 圭子 and Tomita, Keiko and 大谷, 貴美子 and Ohtani, Kimiko and 南出, 隆久 and Minamide, Takahisa}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 人間環境学・農学, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Human environment and agriculture}, month = {Dec}, note = {キムチ中に多く含まれるCaに着目し,市販キムチの購入後の保存に伴う品質変化を調べ,最適保存条件について検討を行った。また,有機酸濃度とCaの可溶化率との関係を調べ,キムチ中のCaの可溶化メカニズムを考察した。4℃保存ではpH,酸度が最適な状態で長く保たれ,この点から見ると4℃保存が品質保持に最も適していると考えられた。塩辛中に含まれると考えられる炭酸カルシウムやリン酸カルシウムの可溶化率は,有機酸濃度が上昇するにしたがって高くなったが,実際のキムチ中のCaの水溶性比率は有機酸濃度が上昇しても高くはならなかった。この理由としては,カルシウムイオンとキムチ中の何らかの物質の結合が起こり不溶化が進んだことが考えられる。いずれの保存温度においてもキムチ中のCaの60~70%は可溶化された状態であり,Ca源として有効であると考えられる。市販キムチの最適保存条件の決定のためには,Ca不溶化のメカニズムの解明はもちろんのこと,官能検査など更なる検討が必要である。, There are many fermented foods in East Asian countries. Kimchi which is Korean traditional fermented vegetable food, has many functional properties such as anticancer, antibacterial, antimutagenic, etc. There are few studies on either storage condition after purchased or changes of calcium (Ca) form during storage. The purposes of this study are to investigate the quality changes during storage period and to examine the optimum storage conditions that Kimchi can be available source for Ca supply. Kimchi was purchased Korean Kimchi on the market. It was stored at 4℃, 20℃, 30℃ up to 7 weeks. The changes of pH, acidity, organic acid content, ratio of soluble and insoluble Ca form in Kimchi were measured. 1. The pH decreased and acidity of Kimchi increased during storage at 4℃. Their optimum pH was 4.2~4.5 and acidity was 0.4~0.8 %. 2. Lactic acid content increased during storage at each temperature. Especially, it was found that lactic acid content was 2.3g/100g f.wt. for 1 week storage at 30℃. 3. Ca content of Kimchi was 28mg/100g f.wt. and 70% of this was water soluble form. There were few changes at 4℃ and 20℃. The ratio of soluble Ca increased in first storage period and decreased in the middle period. On the latter, it's ratio increased again at 30℃ storage. The optimum storage of Kimchi is a good condition at 4℃ on the point of view of pH, acidity and ratio of soluble Ca., 論文, Article}, pages = {1--5}, title = {キムチが有効なカルシウム源となるための最適保存条件(人間環境学)}, volume = {57}, year = {2005}, yomi = {タカハシ, トモ and トミタ, ケイコ and オオタニ, キミコ and ミナミデ, タカヒサ} }