@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004277, author = {黒光, 貴峰 and Kuromitsu, Takamine and 小野, 陽介 and Ono, Yousuke and 町田, 玲子 and Machida, Reiko}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 人間環境学・農学, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Human environment and agriculture}, month = {Dec}, note = {It aims at catching cooperation with the area as a place of a familiar life, and school education in this research. This thesis aims at grasping how school s are cooperating with local communities in order to provide a positive learning environment for their students. As the research method, it is a public high school in the Kyoto Prefecture, and hearing investigation was conducted to the school to which cooperation with an area is performed. For this research project, I had interviews with teachers of a public high school in Kyoto prefecture which attempts to cooperate with its local community. The results are as follows; 1) Fixing a school event as an event of an area is the factor which cooperation follows. It is crucial to integrate the community into school events. 2) When a high school cooperates with an area, establish is important. When a high school cooperates with an area, establishing the geographical boundaries of the community is important. 3) It is a subject how the student is made concerned when performing cooperation with a school and a community. It is important to consider how students can be involved when their schools are cooperating with their community, 人間環境学, HUMAN ENVIRONMENT}, pages = {23--30}, title = {高等学校における学校と地域の連携を可能にするための研究京都府の公立高校における連携事例から}, volume = {56}, year = {2004}, yomi = {クロミツ, タカミネ and オノ, ヨウスケ and マチダ, レイコ} }