@article{oai:kpu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004276, author = {松原, 周信 and Matsubara, Chikanobu}, journal = {京都府立大学学術報告. 人間環境学・農学, The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Human environment and agriculture}, month = {Dec}, note = {To investigate the relationship of averaged full-wave rectified value of vertical acceleration waveform at the center of body gravity between walking and running, 24 young female subjects executed 4 and 6 km/h walking, and 6 km/h running for the third consecutive minute on a horizontal treadmill. Acceleration sensor signal was input to A-D converter attached to a personal computer and data were stored in floppy disks. Averaged rectified acceleration values of 3 kinds of locomotion derived from software treatment were significantly correlated mutually, but insufficient to estimate one value from another with a high degree of accuracy. And both body height and weight were not correlated to acceleration, absolutely: acceleration values could not be calculated from these data. That is, acceleration depended on the individual variation of the movement structure of walking or running. Therefore, to estimate energy expenditure on an equal precision with heart rate method, all data of acceleration at various locomotion speed or style should be measured directly., 人間環境学, HUMAN ENVIRONMENT}, pages = {17--21}, title = {歩行,および走行時における,身体重心鉛直方向加速度波形全波整流平均値の関係}, volume = {56}, year = {2004}, yomi = {マツバラ, チカノブ} }